Today, Guitar World’s Paul Riario test drives the TrueOverDrive 2, the latest offering from Danish pedal builder LunaStone.
Introduced after the launch of the company’s TrueOverDrive 1, the TrueOverDrive 2 looks similar to its predecessor—but once it’s plugged in, it becomes clear that TOD 2 adds more low end for a beefier overdriven sound.
TrueOverDrive 2 is as true to transparent and tube-like overdrive as the original TOD 1, but it adds a serious punch in the low-end frequencies, creating a muscular tone that will fill any venue with warm, fat overdrive.
Hear (and see) the pedal below—A/B’d with the TrueOverDrive 1—as Guitar World‘s Paul Riario demonstrates the pedal’s dynamic overdriven tones with humbucking- and single coil-equipped guitars.
For more on LunaStone’s TrueOverDrive 2, check out