Keeley Launches ZOMA Stereo Reverb and Tremolo

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The Keeley ZOMA combines two of iconic amp effects—tremolo and reverb—into one pedal.

Key Features of the ZOMA

● Intuitive Control Layout: Three large knobs give you full control over Reverb Level, Tremolo Rate,and Depth

● Easy Access to Alternate Controls: Adjust Reverb Decay, Reverb Tone, and Tremolo Volume withsimple alt-controls.

● Instant Effect Order Switching: Customize your signal path. Position tremolos after reverb for avintage, black-panel tone or place harmonic tremolo before reverb for a dirty, swampy sound.

● True Bypass or Buffered Trails: Choose the setting that best suits your rig.

Three Reverb and Tremolo Modes:

● SS – Spring Reverb & Sine Tremolo: Classic spring reverb paired with a sine wave tremolo for that timelessblack-panel amp tone.

● PH – Plate Reverb & Harmonic Tremolo: Smooth, bright plate reverb combined with swampy harmonictremolo.

● PV – Plate Reverb & Pitch Vibrato: Achieve a vocal-like vibrato with ethereal plate reverb.

Reverb: Sounds & Controls

● Spring Reverb: Authentic tube amp spring reverb that captures every detail of vintage sound.

● Plate Reverb: Bright and smooth, recreating the lush tones of vibrating metal plates.

● Reverb Decay: Adjust the decay time using the REVERB/ALT SWITCH while turning the Level knob.

● Reverb Tone: Modify the tone of your reverb using the REVERB/ALT SWITCH while turning the Rate knob.

Tremolo: Sounds & Controls

● Sine Wave/Volume Tremolo: Adjusts the volume of the signal up and down with smooth sine wavemodulation.

● Harmonic Tremolo: Replicates classic tube-amp harmonic tremolo, creating a phaser-like effect withphase-split filtering.

● Pitch Vibrato: Delivers pitch bending effects that let you control how far and how fast notes shift.

● Alt-Control Tremolo Boost Volume: Adjust the boost volume by holding the REVERB/ALT footswitch whileturning the Depth knob.

The ZOMA is built with artfully designed circuitry and housed in a proprietary angled aluminum enclosure, ensuring both simplicity and durability. Like all Keeley pedals, it’s proudly designed and manufactured in the USA.

ZOMA Stereo Reverb and Tremolo

The first sound effects built into amplifiers were tremolo and reverb. Keeley’s legendary reverbs are paired with their sultry, vocal-like tremolos to give you an unreal sonic experience.

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