GI PICKS – Basic Fingerpicking

By: Staff

One that got away! - photo credit: Rick Landers

One that got away! – photo credit: Rick Landers

There are thousands of video guitar lessons on-line, some are marginal and some are terrific. GI PICKS will help to ease the pain of hunting around to find videos worth viewing to learn guitar basics, intermediate and advance techniques.

By doing so, we hope to reduce or eliminate the frustrations we’ve all faced when watching videos and some instructor showing you tuning speeds through the process, skips critical steps along the way of learning to play guitar or congests the video with too much talk.

The TOP GI PICKS videos we promote approach guitar lessons focus on process, are well-paced and smartly presented. I highly recommend that you visit each site in this series and if you find what you like, subscribe!

Acoustic Guitar Videos

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