We’ve nearly survived summer, so your friends at Decibel are rewarding you with a back-to-school five-flexi discount! Order this special Deluxe subscription now and, in addition to your monthly flexi-containing issues of Decibel, we’ll send you the following standalone, OUT OF PRINT BONUS FLEXIS FREE:
- Kreator, “Earth Under the Sword”
- Panopticon, “Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing”
- Tribulation, “Devilock”/”Death Comes Ripping”
- Eyehategod, “The Liar’s Pslam”
- The Black Dahlia Murder, “This Mortal Coil” ft. Jeff Walker (originally by Carcass)
This killer promotion will expire Friday August 25, so take advantage now!
*NOTE: The offer is also available to current subscribers if you renew here (your order will be processed as a renewal). While supplies last. Sorry, U.S. customers/addresses only.
The post Get Out of Print Kreator, Eyehategod & Black Dahlia Murder Vinyl! appeared first on Decibel Magazine.