Full Album Stream: WarCall’s Invaders

Big things are happening for Montreal’s WarCall. Tomorrow sees the release of the band’s fourth full-length album, Invaders, via Plan B Musique. Next week, the crusty metal trio pack their bags for a 10-day whirl around part of the Old World, their third European tour since the band’s 2007 inception. Seeing that Plan B Musique appears to be the band’s own label – it was their moniker before they switched to WarCall – if we could assist them logistically or financially in bringing their Motor-Maiden-‘tallica brand of street wise thrash across the pond, we would, but we’re restricted by the fact we’re probably far less organized than they are and definitely way broker. So, as way of helping out and celebrating the album’s release, we figure posting a stream of Invaders here on the blog is the least we could do. The album’s loose theme/concept has something to do with resistance against an alien invasion with broadside applications to the personal, social and political. While you listen, feel free to take a gander at what the band had to say, however brief, about each of the ten tracks comprising their new record. Links at the bottom within which you’ll likely find ordering info.

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Mission Commando” – The start of a war, how can we organize to defend and fight back, all the way, whatever the cost.
“Riding With Zombies” – A song about the grueling life of touring. Plain and simple.
“Bully Bastard” – A song about resistance, standing up for ourselves.
“Mass Extinction” – When things get to a low point, sometimes you have to make difficult decisions.
“The Man Who Suffers” – Men have a tendency to fight their own.
“Fight Back” – Once regrouped, the charge is so strong that everything is possible. Are we willing to go until the end?
“Black Panther” – Special units are a different kind of warriors and they are not for everyone.
“Through the Dusk” – A special mission that has to be completed.
“Para Belum” – Don’t fear destroying everything in order to rebuild everything.
“Alien Forces” – The last battle, we prevail, but will they be back?


The post Full Album Stream: WarCall’s Invaders appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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