Below is an alphabetical list of some players that influenced the guitar world. It’s an ongoing list so please send suggestions and corrections to the PSS editor.
We’ll be posting a review and resources for each one. If you are interested in contributing please email the PSS editor.
Ackerman, William
Alexander, Charles David
Anderson, Muriel
Atkins, Chet
Auten, D.R.
Basho, Robbie
Baughman, Steve
Bennett, Stephen
Bensusan, Pierre
Blake, Norman
Bresch, Thom
Bromberg, David
Bull, Sandy
Bullock, Robin
Carmichael, Greg
Carthy, Martin
Chaquico, Craig
Coulter, William
D’Agostino, Peppino
deGrassi, Alex
Donohue, Pat
Dowling, Mike
Dunn, Michael
Dykes, Doyle
Earp, Jim
Emmanuel, Tommy
Fahey, John
Farrell, Tim
Finger, Peter
Freymuth, Dirk
Geremia, Paul
Gerhard, Edward
Gilderdale, Miles
Gilewitz, Richard
Graham, Davy
Grier, David
Grossman, Stefan
Harkness, Sean
Harper, Roy
Hedges, Michael
Huttlinger, Peter
Jansch, Bert
Johnson, Orville
Johnson, Richard Leo
Jones, Buster B.
Jones, Tommy
Juber, Laurence
Kaukonen, Jorma
Keaggy, Phil
King, Kaki
Kirtley, Pat
Kottke, Leo
Lang, Peter
Legg, Adrian
Long, Tom
Mallany, Dave
Martyn, John
McLaughlin, Billy
McManus, Tony
McMeen, El
Michael, Dorian
Mitchell, Joni
Mize, Bill
Montgomery, Monte
Moore, Tracy
Neaga, Greg
Niedt, Douglas
Ostroushko, Peter
Pacetti, Sam
Paul, Gayla Drake
Petteway, Al
Phelps, Kelly Joe
Reed, Jerry
Reed, Preston
Renbourn, John
Reynolds, Tim
Rice, Tony
Roller, Peter
Ross, Don
Roth, Arlen
Rowan, Peter
Ruskin, Rick
Schwartz, Dan
Simpson, Martin
Smith, Doug
Smith, Richard
Smither, Chris
Sparks, Tim
Sultan, Kenny
Tibbetts, Steve
Tingstad, Eric
Traum, Artie
Travis, Merle
Villiers, George
Watson, Doc
Webb, Nick
Wilcox, David
Williams, Brooks
Woolman, Benjamin
York, Andrew