Gods Forsaken are a death metal supergroup of sorts, with members coming from Henry Kane, ex-Amon Amarth, Just Before Dawn and a large number of other bands. They recently made their debut with In A Pitch Black Grave on Soulseller Records, so Decibel talked to guitarist Anders Biazzi about the new album and the future for this new death metal force.
The YouTube ID of FSQyRRa2yac?feature=oembed is invalid.How did Gods Forsaken come to be? There are members of Just Before Dawn, Wombbath,Henry Kane, ex-Amon Amarth, etc. Where do you find the time to write, record and play this music?
We started the band after Blood Mortized did go to the grave! I had tracks that were meant for the new Blood Mortized album, and I did not want to throw them away, so I asked Jonny [Pettersson, vocals] and Brynjar [Helgetun, drums] if they were up for some old school death metal!
Your first album, In a Pitch Black Grave came out in June. How was the response?
The responses have been awesome. Folks rank the album as the album of the year! So yes, it’s been a KILLER release!
What is your next move? Will you release a new record in the future, will you play live or was this simply a one album deal?
The future is going to kill for the Gods Forsaken fans! We are soon releasing a split EP with Paganizer! And are releasing a new album on Soulseller in 2018 or 2019.
You were formed after getting the “urge to play filthy old school Swedish Death Metal with no frills.” What are your influences? How do you make it sound original while also sounding faithful?
Our influences are simply the old stuff from Sweden! And we put a little Gods Forsaken spice to it!
The post Keeping It Old School: An Interview with Gods Forsaken appeared first on Decibel Magazine.