Infinite Dial Report 2017 From Edison Research, Triton To Be Released This Thurs. [FREE WEBINAR]

image from 3diz6f2vh2xx4v5zz43owe81.wpengine.netdna-cdn.comEdison Research and Triton Digital present the latest edition of The Infinite Dial survey of consumer media habits and behaviors associated with digital and offline media in the United States.

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This study, the 25th in a series, will examine in detail the state of consumer media usage in 2017, including digital audio, social media, mobile media consumption, smart speakers, and an expanded section on podcasting.

A free one hour webinar will present detailed charts and graphs of the data and significant trends, as well as implications and recommendations.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions or discuss the results on Twitter using the #infinitedial hashtag.

Sign up free here.

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